Rabu, 01 April 2015


Did you know guys, even when we live in a growth world nowadays, but the happiness of our society is absolutely decreases in time. Just like paradox, isn’t it ? well, let me try to explain why this happen.

1. An Epidemic of Depression
Firstly, that our cultural values induce us to live in ways that are, indeed, depressing us. Secondly, much of what we refer to as clinical depression is inaccurate. Most depression is situational of its psychological. The symptoms of depression are often due to depressing circumstances, not disease. In other words, under certain circumstances, it makes sense to be depressed.

2. Well, We’re Forget, How it is to be in Our Way
Our lives, often become visionless and passionless. We live in an intensely competitive culture that rewards achievement and success. Our identity and esteem become reflections of these external markers of achievement. Our pursuit of happiness and well-being become terribly misdirected. The demands of our intensely and neurotically driven culture strain our emotional and psychological balance well beyond its comfortable balance. The cultural paradigm in which we live leaves us disconnected, disenchanted and isolated. When this occurs, we tend to honor and seek material acquisitions and forget how it’s like to be loved for who we are naturally, whereas, people that thrive in loving relationships don't typically feel depressed. Depression is symptomatic of feeling isolated and cut off. In our drive to live the good life, we typically isolate ourselves from relationships that might nourish us.

3. Doctrine
Yes ! this one’s the key ! A dominant theme in our society is that’ you should be happy, and if you're not, there's something wrong with you’ but, we’re forget that life can be difficult at times.. well, being sad as much as we need is what we need also.. not always faking to be wo we are not.

Readers, that’s all that i need to share with you. ‘BE YOURSELF’ is not the only key we need to be happy, but also, remember how it’s like to be an innocent 3 years old kid, too... yeah, we all need to be happy in our way. BE HAPPY ! ^^

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